

Tunghai University Student Dormitory Life Regulations Agreement 

  • 東海大學113學年學生宿舍生活公約同意書連結
    Tunghai University Student Dormitory Life Regulations Agreement :https://forms.gle/wVmHsSLsthduW2aT9

  • 東海大學學生宿舍生活公約內容連結
    Tunghai University Student Dormitory Life Regulations:https://reurl.cc/E66xd1

  • 請於9/16(一)前填寫必填項目資料
     Please complete the form by September 16th.

  • 東海大學學務處住宿輔導組為維護住宿環境,保障住宿生權益,須蒐集您的姓名、學號、就讀科系、電子郵件等個人資料(辨識類:C001辨識個人者、C051學校紀錄、C132未分類之資料),以確認住宿生同意遵守宿舍生活公約。蒐集之資料將於住宿生離舍後刪除。本校蒐集您的個人資料時,若有欄位、資料未正確填寫/上傳,則可能無法保障您的住宿權益。如欲更改聯絡人資料或行使其他個人資料保護法第3條的當事人權利,請洽本校住宿輔導組。謝謝。
    To maintain a safe and supportive living environment and to protect the rights and interests of dormitory residents, we need to collect your personal information, including your name, student ID number, academic department, and email address. This information is categorized as follows: Identification Data (C001: Data that identifies an individual), Academic Records (C051: School records), and Other Unclassified Data (C132: Unclassified data). The purpose of this data collection is to ensure that dormitory residents agree to abide by the dormitory regulations.The collected data will be deleted after the resident moves out of the dormitory. If the fields or information provided are incomplete or incorrect, it may affect your ability to secure a place in the dormitory. Should you wish to update your contact information or exercise your rights under Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Act, please contact the Dormitory Counseling Section. Thank you.