
  • 開放登記時間 :8/17 ~ 8/23 23:59
    Application period :17th  August.- 23th  August  23:59
  • 若申請人數超過床位數,超額部份8/28當天公告僅抽出候補序號。
  • 結果查詢 : 8/28 住宿輔導組網站:https://dorm.thu.edu.tw/
    There will be an announcement of the results on the Division of Student Housing Affairs website on  August  28.  Link: https://dorm.thu.edu.tw
  • 床位查詢 : 8/30 學生資訊系統 : https://ithu.tw/TedjZ ->註冊/住宿/保險 ->住宿申請 ->查詢申請結果
    Accommodation Arrangement Query : 30th. August
    How to check :Student information system -> Registration/Accommodation/ Insurance -> Accommodation application -> Query application results
  • 請注意,宿舍志願選擇後仍需視抽籤結果而定。
    Notice: that is still subject to the draw result after the dormitory room selection.
  • 東海大學學務處住宿輔導組為宿舍床位安排之目的,須蒐集您的姓名、電話、身分證字號、電子郵件等個人資料(辨識類:C001辨識個人者、C003政府資料中之辨識者),以在床位安排期間進行必要之聯繫。本校於蒐集您的個人資料時,若有欄位未填寫,則可能對床位安排有所影響。如欲更改聯絡人資料或行使其他個人資料保護法第3條的當事人權利,請洽本校住宿輔導組。謝謝。
    For the purpose of arranging dormitory beds, division of student housing affairs of Tunghai University must collect your name, phone number, ID number, email and other personal information (identification category: C001 for identifying individuals, C003 for identifying individuals in government data) , to make necessary contacts during bed arrangement. If any field is not filled in or not correct, it may affect the arrangement of beds. When you want to change the contact information or exercise the rights of the parties in Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Act, please contact the school’s accommodation counseling team. Thanks.