

  • 112學年度大一新生第一階段男生床位錄取結果:點此下載 (Click here to download)

   112 Academic Year First Stage Admission Results for Male Freshmen:

  • 112學年度大一新生第一階段女生床位錄取結果:點此下載 (Click here to download)

   112 Academic Year First Stage Admission Results for Female Freshmen.

  • 112學年度境外碩博新生第一階段床位錄取結果:點此下載  (Click here to download)

   112 Academic Year First Stage Admission Results  for International Master's and Ph.D. Students


  • 床位查詢(宿舍區、棟別、寢室號碼):8/30 (三) 之後至學生資訊系統: https://ithu.tw/TedjZ → 註冊/住宿/保險 → 住宿申請 → 查詢申請結果 Accommodation Arrangement Query : 30th. August How to check Student information system -> Registration/Accommodation/ Insurance -> Accommodation application -> Query application results


  • 第一階段未登記住宿想補申請者請於 8/6(日)前 mail 給承辦老師,或有其他床位相關問題也可來信詢問:For those who have not registered for accommodation during the first stage and wish to apply, please email the responsible teacher before 8/6 (Sunday). If you have any other inquiries regarding bed arrangements, you can also send an email for assistance.
    男生床位(Male dormitory)cast0630@thu.edu.tw(張小姐)
    (Female dormitory) gen13@thu.edu.tw(阮老師)

住宿輔導組 敬啟
