112 Academic Year First Stage Admission Results for Freshmen:
一、本校為讓同學安居樂學規劃多元房型可選擇,獲得同學肯定,新生和高年級學生報名踴躍,惟宿舍床位有限,因此,這學期無法申請到住宿的同學,請參考本校生活輔導組「雲端租屋網」 https://house.nfu.edu.tw/THU ,幫助您尋找適合的校外賃居處所。Due to limited dormitory space, some students couldn't secure on-campus housing this semester. If you're affected, please visit our Student Life Guidance team's "Cloud Rental Housing Platform" at https://house.nfu.edu.tw/THU to find off-campus rentals.
二、自公告日起若有空床位時,即依本次候補序號以e-mail、手機簡訊或電話通知個人。被通知者須於通知期限內,回覆住輔組辦理床位確認及入住事宜。未辦理者視同放棄床位,將由次一序號遞補。If there are empty beds after the announcement, we'll contact individuals by email, SMS, or phone based on their waitlist number. Those contacted must confirm and arrange their move-in within the given time. Otherwise, the bed will be offered to the next on the list.
三、住宿費請確認註冊單繳費左列「應繳項目」已帶入「住宿費」金額,再進行繳費。https://school.ctbcbank.com/cstu/index.jsp Please confirm that the "Accommodation Fee" amount in the "Payment Items" of your registration form is accurate before making the payment at https://school.ctbcbank.com/cstu/index.jsp
四、學校幅員廣大校園內有「校內公車」「YouBike」「電動滑板車」,管院學生住女生宿舍或非管院學生住第二教學區宿舍都不用擔心喔! https://ithu.tw/vRSOT Our spacious campus provides "Campus Shuttle," "YouBike," and "Electric Scooter" options. No worries about transportation for business and non-business students in different dorms. Details: https://ithu.tw/vRSOT
五、新生第一階段若已申請到床位(重覆申請者),此梯次將不再公告,敬請參考第一階段床位錄取公告,謝謝!https://ithu.tw/W9rS1 Freshmen who have secured a bed in the first phase (repeated applicants) need not check this round. Refer to the initial bed allocation notice. Thanks! Details:https://ithu.tw/W9rS1
六、有其他床位相關問題可來信詢問業務承辦人:If you have any other inquiries regarding bed arrangements, you can also send an email for assistance.
男生床位(Male dormitory):cast0630@thu.edu.tw(張小姐)
女生床位(Female dormitory) :gen13@thu.edu.tw(阮小姐)
住宿輔導組 敬啟